Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Albino Fawn

On my to a workshop at a flower farm in Keswick Virginia, I spotted this albino fawn, while driving in my car. It was about 10 yards away, but luckily I had my trusty Nikon with its 12x zoom lens. The mystical baby creature seemed to be all alone. I have seen one other albino deer in my life. There used to be a white buck that lived in the woods by my house. I was always thrilled to spot it and consider it to be good luck. Below is a painting that I did in honor of albino deer. Ooh, that gives me an idea; make an albino deer LoopyDoll, yeah!

1 comment:

  1. NO WAY! That is amazing! And you even got a good pic too! I would have had a dubiously blurry flash of white from about 100 yards... (-;
